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Signature Truffle $15
Kirchhoff 2004 Rebloom Double Evergreen
6" bloom, 28" height
Early Mid Season 

Siloam Baby Talk $5
Henry 1982 Miniature
Rebloom Dormant
2.5" bloom,
15" height Early Mid 
Season Diploid

Siloam Bumblebee $5
Henry 1991 Miniature
Dormant 2.75" bloom,
12" height Early Mid 
Season Diploid

Siloam David Kirchhoff $5
Henry 1986
Dormant 3.5" bloom,
16" height Early Mid 
Season Diploid

Siloam Double Classic $6
Henry 1985 Fragrant Double
Dormant 5" bloom,
16" height Early Mid 
Season Diploid
1993 Stout Medal winner

Siloam Irving Hepner $5
Henry 1990 Rebloom
5.5" bloom, 18" height
Mid Late Season Diploid


Siloam Merle Kent $6
Henry 1984 Rebloom
3.5" bloom, 18" height
Mid Season Diploid

Siloam Olin Frazier $15 SINGLE FAN
Henry 1990 Dormant Double
5.25" bloom, 22" height
Early Season Diploid

Siloam Red Toy $5
Henry 1975 Dormant
2.75" bloom, 20" height
Early Mid Season Diploid

Siloam Ruby Christie $8
Henry 1980 Dormant
6" bloom, 28" height
Mid Late Season Diploid

Siloam Shocker $6
Henry 1981 Dormant
3.75" bloom, 28" height
Mid Season Diploid

Siloam Show Girl $8 
Henry 1981
4.5" bloom, 18" height
Mid Season Diploid

Siloam Ury Winniford $5
Henry 1980 Rebloom
3.5" bloom, 26" height 
Mid Season

Siloam Virginia Henson $5
Henry 1979 Extended Bloom Dormant
3.5" bloom, 26" height
Mid Season Diploid

Silver Drops $6
Russell 1957 Rebloom Evergreen
7" bloom, 18" height
Early Season Diploid

Silver Sword $20 SINGLE FAN
Holmes, S. 2008 Evergreen
8.5" bloom, 38" height
Mid Season Tetraploid

Simplicity in Motion $10
Fitzpatrick 2003 Fragrant
7" bloom, 32" height
Mid Season Diploid

Simply Being Loved $15 SINGLE FAN
Hanson 2006 Rebloom
Dormant 6" bloom, 36" height Mid Late Season Tetraploid

Simply Michigan $15
McMahon 2017 Rebloom
Dormant 6" bloom, 30" height Tetraploid

Sing Gently $35 
Marlatt 2020 
6" bloom, 33" height
Mid Late Season Tetraploid

Sings the Blues $6
Hansen 1990 Rebloom
6" bloom, 26" height
Mid Late Season Diploid

Sister of Praise $20 
Bell 2004 Rebloom
Fragrant Dormant
6" bloom, 22" height
Mid Season Tetraploid

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