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Xia Xiang $6
Billingslea 1988 Fragrant
SemiEvergreen 6" bloom,
22" height Mid Season
Diploid | | Please be patient while the photos display, then click to enlarge photo.

Yabba Dabba Doo $6
Hansen 1993 Rebloom Spider
SemiEvergreen 10" bloom,
30" height Late Season
Diploid | |

Yada Yada Yella $18
Davisson 2015 Rebloom dormant
10" bloom, 40" height
Very Late Season
Tetraploid |
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Yankee Pinstripes $18
Howard 2013 Dormant
5.5" bloom, 34" height
Early Mid Season
Diploid | | 
Yazoo Elsie Hintson $6
Smith 1986 Fragrant
Nocturnal SemiEvergreen
8" bloom, 32" height
Early Mid Season
Diploid | | 
Yellow Dynamo $6
Gossard 2006 Dormant
6.5" bloom, 28" height
Mid Late Season
Tetraploid |
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Yellow Typhoon $10
Gossard 2007 Fragrant Dormant 7" bloom, 29" height
Mid Season Diploid | | 
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Yesterday Memories $8
Spalding 1976 Evergreen
6.5" bloom, 19" height
Mid Season Diploid |
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You Angel You $8
Stamile 1993 Double Rebloom Miniature
2" bloom, 15" height Mid Season Diploid | | 
You Bet Your Sweet Bippy $12
Wilkerson 2009 Rebloom Dormant
8" bloom, 30" height Mid Season Tetraploid | | 
You Light Up My Life $45
Marlatt 2023 Fragrant Dormant
5.5" bloom, 26" height
Mid Late Season Tetraploid |
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Zephr's Song $10
Stamile 2004 Rebloom Fragrant
Evergreen 6.5" bloom,
33" height Early Season
Tetraploid | | |
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Zero to Sixty $18
Murphy 2010 SemiEvergreen 9" bloom,
48" height Mid Season
Diploid | | 
Ziggy $15
Owen-Harper 2015 Rebloom
SemiEvergreen 6" bloom,
30" height Early Mid Season
Tetraploid | | 
Zinfaldel $6
Kirchhoff 1980 Rebloom Fragrant
Evergreen 6.5" bloom,
26" height Early Season
Tetraploid |
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Zola's Hi Ho Spider $6
Webster 2003 Fragrant
Dormant 8" bloom,
37" height Mid Late Season
Tetraploid | | |